Baskerville-Donovan, Inc. (BDI) has developed a strong reputation as an industry leader in water resources engineering.
Our professionals understand the critical role that the water resources engineer plays in the responsible and progressive development of public infrastructure.

Our civil engineering experience spans a wide range of projects, from addressing challenging drainage issues in isolated rural communities to designing major highways, public parks, golf courses, government facilities, military sites, airfields, sports stadiums, and commercial site plans. BDI is often recognized for our commitment to meeting our clients’ needs. Our team delivers innovative, cost-effective projects completed ahead of schedule. Our civil engineers are skilled, proactive, and fully equipped to tackle any programmatic or technical challenge.
Ric Delp, CSI
Water Resources Market Director/VP
Areas of Expertise
Wastewater Treatment
BDI has successfully completed numerous wastewater treatment projects throughout Florida and Alabama, designing facilities that range from advanced treatment plants and membrane bioreactors (MBR) to secondary treatment level plants. The design of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is primarily focused on meeting effluent disposal limits, which for many clients are determined by public-access reuse options such as golf courses, rapid infiltration basin applications, and future alternative locations. Our engineers analyze these effluent limits alongside the influent characteristics of the waste stream to establish the necessary treatment process design requirements.
With a strong focus on local government clients, we understand the unique expectations for locally managed wastewater treatment facilities. Our engineers collaborate closely with each client to identify the most effective treatment methods, ensuring that they are satisfied with the processes and equipment chosen for their operations.
Wastewater Collection
Our company has designed nearly every type of collection system used in the Southeastern region, including gravity, low pressure, vacuum, and pretreatment effluent pumping systems. Our team brings a wide range of experience in designing and permitting various new and rehabilitation projects commonly encountered throughout the Southeast. BDI has helped communities in Florida and Alabama reduce their Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) issues through Sewer System Evaluation Study (SSES) work. We are ready to apply our expertise in SSES, I&I rehabilitation, and new collection system design to meet the needs of any client, regardless of size.
Water Treatment
BDI has successfully completed numerous water supply and treatment projects throughout Florida and Alabama, designing facilities that range from smaller well fields to a 48 MGD high-rate ballasted flocculation water treatment plant. Our approach to water treatment plant design is rooted in compliance with drinking water standards and the specific constituents present in the water supply source. We conduct thorough evaluations of the water sources and their constituents while collaborating closely with clients to determine their water supply and treatment process requirements.
Water Distribution
BDI excels in the design and permitting of water transmission and distribution systems, including both elevated and ground storage systems, pumping stations, and pipelines of all sizes. Our team is equipped to provide comprehensive solutions for any water distribution system, encompassing all mainline equipment and related appurtenances. With extensive knowledge of our service area, our engineers are qualified to design and permit all types of new and rehabilitation projects associated with distribution systems. Over the years, we have assisted hundreds of communities in addressing challenges related to flow, pressure, chlorine residual, contaminant removal, biofouling, and leaks.
Pump Station Design and Rehabilitation
Our firm has successfully completed hundreds of water and wastewater pump station design and rehabilitation projects, ranging from the rehabilitation of small 100 GPM wastewater lift stations to the development of new 60 MGD water supply pump station projects.
These improvements often involve rehabilitating or replacing wastewater lift stations that need repair due to their current condition. Our engineers have managed and executed all aspects of Sewer System Evaluation Study (SSES) work to achieve Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) reductions for our clients. We have extensive experience managing the rehabilitation of entire local government collection systems, which includes overhauling pump stations, wet wells, pumps and piping, as well as electrical controls and instrumentation.
Special Services, Feasibility Studies, and Planning
BDI has extensive experience in helping clients prepare high-quality Feasibility Studies, Modeling, and Planning documents. We recognize that these studies provide critical information essential for determining specific infrastructural priorities and needs. Our Regional Offices have significant expertise in water and wastewater master planning, hydraulic modeling, GIS, cost estimating, field evaluations, and securing innovative project funding.
Our local teams consist of highly skilled water resource professionals with experience working on projects for municipal systems across the Southeast. We collaborate closely with client staff to thoroughly understand project goals and objectives, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations.