BDI has discovered that our clients value partnering with an engineering firm that is deeply engaged in program development and funding assistance.
The key to our remarkable success is straightforward: as engineers, we possess a deep technical understanding of the programs we support. Within the intricate details of each program lie opportunities for enhancements and alternative funding strategies.

For the benefit of our clients, BDI actively seeks grant funding and low-interest loan options. We understand that many communities need assistance in applying for and securing financing to achieve their project goals. Our team has the expertise to help clients identify their financial needs, explore available funding sources, and develop effective strategies for applying for grants and loans.
We provide comprehensive support throughout the process, including grant application preparation, adherence to grant award specifications, administration during the construction phase, and project closeout. We generate all necessary documentation to ensure our clients are well-positioned to receive external funding and obtain the required approvals from state and federal agencies. Throughout the project, BDI collaborates closely with clients and agency representatives, preparing the documentation needed to meet funding agency management and reporting requirements.
Fred Donovan, Jr., P.E.
Executive Vice President